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Homeowner Help

We’re here to help you around your house.

Our blog is dedicated to helping educate homeowners. We cover preventative techniques to keep your home and family safe. Ways to save money around your house and lower your bills. And local news and industry news that can be helpful to homeowners.

Re: Water Damage? or What to do When Your House Floods

Stop! Before Filing an Insurance Claim Whether you know it or not, you have a CLUE report (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange). Essentially, this is the report insurance companies use to determine how much you pay. Even just a call to your insurance company ...
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What Should I Do if My Washing Machine Overflows

Over time, your washing machine may experience malfunctions that can lead to an overflow. If that happens, the first thing is to carefully turn off the power to the washer, remove non-fixed items from the flooded area, and remove the floodwater. Once the immediate situation is under control, call ...
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Oh No! My Pipes, They're Frozen!

Most every house or commercial building has some amount of air infiltration. In the winter time, the cold outside air finds a way into some vulnerable areas. Even without air infiltration, you get the effects of thermal heat or cold transference. The heat energy escaping and cold energy entering ...
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My Toilet Overflowed, What Do I Do?

When your toilet overflows it may seem like a small problem and just mopping it up could be sufficient. However, the some questions remain, “Why did my toilet overflow?, Is there a leak, if so where is it coming from?, Will it continue to overflow?”. There are many factors for why a ...
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Should I File an Insurance Claim for My Home?

Here at R4 Restoration we understand that there are many things to consider before filing a claim and it shouldn’t be an automatic first response to do so. What Should My First Step Be? Be careful! If you are not sure whether an incident is worth filing a claim for ...
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What Homeowners Insurance Company Should I Choose?

Most lenders/mortgage companies require homeowners insurance; Some rental properties do also, and if they don’t it’s still your best bet to have coverage. This article is geared more towards those trying to choose the best coverage for homeownership. Shopping Around is a ...
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